
The following products have emerged from Dos Mares in response to particular marine conservation situations observed in Central America and due to the use of social networks as an educational tool. However, for 2024 and beyond, Dos Mares plans to analyze the impact of NGOs and government activities in MPAs, and in this way, in 2025, it will initiate an approach and discussion with the multiple financial and operational actors on how to begin the transformation towards ACTIVE protected areas.

Creando VALOR en las Areas Protegidas de Centro America (Spanish with English captions, video - 2020)

Boletin Science Matter (Español, Edición # 2, 2015)

Bulletin Science Matter (English, Edition # 2, 2015)

Boletin Science Matter (Español, Edición # 1, 2014)

Bulletin Science Matter (English, Edition # 1, 2014)